30 August, 2016

People go diluted within time 
And,the memories like clouds 
If something that' d stay then
May it be the love , unnamed
The sky has stepped up dark clouds over space
And the fragrance of fresh bathed mud tickles, 
Before summer's lullaby subtly awaits autumn
In my memories of home,and another cup of tea
In whispers of my stories 
The day of agony;unpleasant 
I'll forget what I have done
The good or the bad things. 
From the doors of childhood
A laughing baby will come
Along with memories sublime
He will sing a song for you.
I'll just remember these
When sun smiled upon my face
And reached inside my soul
When wilderness of sly wind
Took me away in the space
O' I kept sailing in the sky;
An entire space of happiness
Beautiful autumn leaves behind
With small floating house farms
Below the clouds of amusements
In magical ambiance of thoughts
Where I have been -
And where I'll be
I'll forget what I have done
The good or the bad things.
In search of abstract utopia 
We have wasted all our lives
Missed most beautiful things;
The soothing caress of wind
Open sky over full moon night 
Silhouette within tanned clouds
Sound of thunder filled rains
Melodies carried by,
In each of its strike
All majestic travel adventures
We make every moment
Colorful expressions in people
Their stories of life - hardships
Achievements , failures.
Journeys of separation and
Togetherness ,again after long.
Tears on leaving the loved ones
Tears of joy on being with them
Again, to your comfort zone
A cozy place to sleep in peace
And wonder like a child ;
That fascination on being alive
In this lively atmosphere , earth.
In rush we forget these easily
Forget the appreciation it deserves
A moment of admiration for
Things we have now ,and that are real
And are there for all, very unbiased
Subtle forms of happiness
While sea stayed stronger near the edges
Waves after waves, crushing emotions all
O' another crossword planted to imprison
Fear is underneath - sand covered feet.
कहिले कहिले 
हतार गर्दै प्रतिबिम्ब आफ्नो 
भाग्छ कुनै कुना समाती यसरी 
समय को पाउदानि शिथिल भई 
अब भेट्टाउन्न जस्तो हुन्छ 
डर आउँछ ,
कता कता मनमा अनी
एक्लै शुन्य भई गुम्सिएका भावना हरु
बहाना बनाउँछन् ,'बे' खुशी अब '
जसरी भिजाउँछन् सम्झना हरु
मलाई बर्खा लागेको छ ,
रुन्चे ।
Soft chanted lullaby 
Early morning miracles 
The first ray of hope 
Amidst,a gloomy space over.
Plenty fickle emotions 
Tanned loved belongings
A long prescription of prejudices
Contemplation - a misery.
Wherever you go
If your heart doesn't follow
How will you make time for
Beautiful things that you know
Like smiling a bit for someone
Bringing the 'happiness' around
Being happy from inside
Living lively.
स सँगै जुनकिरी का ताँती हेर कसरी
प्रकाश ले रात पनी दिन हुन्छ जसरी
झिलीमिली आकाश के धर्ती हेर कस्तो 
एक्लै हिँडे बिलाउँछौँ,थाहा पाए जस्तो 
मरभुमिमा जिवन पलाएसरी 
बिरुवा बिश्वासको भईदेओस् 
यस्तो, हामी भित्र ह्रिदयमा 
कि आकाशको आश मात्र
नहोस्,प्रयासको मुल्य रहोस् 
संघर्श बनोस् तर उत्साहको
टेको नडग्मगाओस् कर्म भित्र
जब कि अथाह छन् बाटाहरु
गन्त्ब्य् हुन्न जिन्दगिको एक
चलयमान रहिरहन्छ यसरी
जसरी सकिन्छ खुशी' बाँच्नु ।
You don't have to hide yourself 
When darkness is the only thing
In the sky above-
Or the earth below 
All over, wherever you go now
It will follow always
Because you made it yourself
On your mind.
Before the birth of imagination 
A mellow conscience builds up
Little - rooted inside of stone'minds
More in the lively heart of a dreamer
To settle down subtle uproar of chaos;
That manages well to deceive
All our life.
हाड छाला घोटेर 
पसीना बगाएर 
श्रमले भिझेर 
अरुको मन नबिझाएर
ईमानले कमाएको 
मिठो एक छाक पेटमा परेपछि
दुनियादारी गफ भन्दा सन्तोषको
निन्द्रा प्यारो ।
As far as eyes can behold 
Where the deep blue sea
Meets the sky, and be one. 
Like recollection of memories 
Gathered in beautiful melodies-
A reflection of happiness.
This nascent breeze in my life
The roar of its white tides -
I can feel it in my skin
While they touch my feet.
I can hear them around
My brown curly hairs,
Sailing swiftly like never before.
I can bound them under
My year'longed skinny bones
I have developed with time
Still fighting for fleshes, oddly.
And, moreover, I can't express
With words -
They hardly carry emotions,
From inside of my heart
When overwhelmed by
This calmness. I just wish
Listening to the wind
With stories about life
For some more time.
बिहानीको चौतारी जसरी म
शितल बतासले बाँधिन्छु र
सामीप्य प्रकाश सितको एक
नव आशा लहरीएर आउँछ
मानौँ प्रकृति आफै
बिभिन्न आकारमा सजिएर
म भित्र बसेको छ ।
अनी यहि वृक्षको फेदमा अढेसिएर
जिवन सजिव चित्र लाग्छन् यसरी
खै, आफै बटुवा भएर पनी म त
सुस्ताउँदा छहारीको मात लागे जस्तो
बिउँझिन मन हुन्न, र खुशी
यसैमा समेटिएको पाउँछु, शायद
मेरा केहि बिहानीहरु
प्रिय छन् आफैमा।
उनैको लागि
जो थिए नजिक यहि धर्तिमा 
र अहिले छैनन् बोली फर्काउन्,
उसै गरि । 
गएँ भनेर जानेहरु 
केहि नबोली जानेहरु
हाँसी खुसी जानेहरु
खुसी बोकि जानेहरु , अनि
जाने बाटोमा हेरेर त्यसरी नै
पालो कुर्ने हामीहरु ।
हेरन ,मृत्यु यस्तो सत्य भएर आउछ् अकस्मात्
जसको वजन समयले थेग्न सक्ला जसोतसो
हामी त केवल कुरुवा जस्तो
मान्छे ,पहिले आफ्नो पालो कुर्दै,
अनि अरुको है ।
बाहिर बसन्तको आगमन त छ
प्रकृतिले रुखो पारेका पातहरु
दिन-दिन गर्दै पलाउँदै त छन्
हरिया , पहेँला रङिबिरंगि आकृतिहरुमा
स्रिँगारिएका त छन् जिवन प्राप्तिमा उनिहरु
तर खोइ जिवनको बसन्त, म भित्रको
उनिहरु जस्तो ।
मन त निरस छ , निरिह छ यसरी
म छु छैन जस्तो भएको छु
एक एस्तो सत्य फेरि आएको छ जिवनको
आज जुन भुमि छोडेका छौ तिमिले
त्यहि ठाँउमा फुल भएर उम्रनु
म त पालो कुर्दैछु है
आफ्नो पनि
सम्हालिनु प्रिय कुरुवाहरु ।
सपनाको आकार हुँदैन कतै 
अन्धकारको भित्ता जसरी 
जति उग्र बनेर उज्यलोमा 
बिलय हुन्छन् दिनका फेहेरिस्त् 
न तिमि छौ , न म छु जस्तो 
समाजका मानक भई
एक्लै रुमलिएका निर्जिव् जाति
न देख्न सक्छौँ ,न देख्ने रहर छ
केवल दौड छ
सफल हुनु छ
खै बुझेको?
सपनाको आकार हुँदैन कतै
अन्धकारको भित्ता जसरी ।


Closer than before in the light 
I follow all things passing by
The yellow prints of bees alike
And flowers as red as a rose.
I see you in all of these, more
When days become dull over
The sun rotates quietly like so
When I look for such silence.
Be little smile,more often then
Share the wisdom of life to me
Keep tight holding while I slip in
With this speed and impatience.
Look me around, and when I am
Too far away to be found,but if so
Call me by the wind,and reach me
Through the sound of love you know.
I will carry my thoughts in the ferry
That can travel ahead of time.And
When they reach there ,in your lap
I'll rest so perfectly from troubles
And be - a child again.

Under a Concrete Sky

Hello little dreamer in you 
Your time is gone, I 'm sorry!
So please get up now 
The silence is over here ,and
It was not like today , but long ago
Before the 'silence' itself was there,
And you.
Don't you know that? Outside,
They, who were busy making up all the sounds
To bring you back into the reality
To the world you'd never wished for -
Are cheering for you , your own
"You did it !"
See , how successful you are now!
I even cannot find words for you , and yes
For not being just 'another' stone hearted.
Oh' don't worry , I'm not being sarcastic
You will be loved here
But' , welcome to the group.
I'm sorry ,
Hello little dreamer in you
Your time is gone.
मेरो परिचय बनेका साथिहरु 
जब सम्झन्छु -तिमी , म
खुसिले भरिन्छु ह्र्दयभरी 
पुराना दिनहरुमा । 
जिवन यसरी रमाएको साथै
मलाई त अझै उपद्र् गर्न मन छ
कति अपुग सङ्गत् जस्तो है
हरेक प्रहरले बतासिएर बोलाउँछ सधैँ
उतै , जाउँ कतै फेरि बिगतमा झैं लाग्छ
एक मन पुगि फर्कन्छु पनि , सुटुक्क
मुस्कानको महोत्वकांक्षाले ।
यी भवनाहरु
अविस्मरणिय बनेर कसरी अटाएका
अथाह समुन्द्र जसरी ,
मन मस्तिस्कमा
गहिराई पर्याय सम्बन्धहरुको
सायद ,
मानिस केहि समय छ संसारमा
अघि पछि , रहे नरहे पनि
लाग्दैन जति म जोडिएको
केहि कम छौ तिमी पनि
सधैँ ।
Rolling over the sky just so
I may have made my small space
Keeping closer to the surface
I may have asked for a little of my place
With open eyes it's barely the thing
To believe what I see these days
It seems like there's a long way to trust
To swing wherever the wind takes me
By the river around the green hills
The cupped lakes in the lap of stones
Flowers , colors and nature
Carved delicately ,
Whilst , in intense friction of life,
We all live with.
A new day marked by a number different
Can you take me there again , someday
From where I can embrace trust for myself
And be in life.
The whispers that you make to me
Before they travel through the air
It'll fade away, somehow on the way
But imagine if I'd feel it right there
Even without any words being said
Along with your thoughts about it
From your heart; while you'd make
Those subtle, intimate expressions
To me,
About love.
परीबन्धनमा परेका चराहरु 
पखेटा बिसाएर जब यसरी
मन्द मुस्कान सजाउँछन्, 
पिँजडाको परीधी हराउँछ
र फलामे जोडहरु 
घर'का दलान सरी टाँसिएर
सिर माथी आेत हुन आईपुग्छन्
अनाहक, अचम्म
आफ्नै अस्तित्वमा प्रश्नचिन्ह भएर।
मानिस हेर न यहाँ
जब हाँस्न सिक्छ अनी रुन डराउँछ
तर खुशी त रुनुमा पनी उत्तिकै छ
आ-आफ्नै पिँजडा भित्र बसेर
कुनै बेला।
That little merry round summer 
In yellow tainted flakes of sun
Shapes an indefinite dimension over 
Something which is squared to zero!
See at the back of those named heads
"One, two, may be three"- and none
Such projection of flesh and bones
It will go anyway just in little days
Stay soulful together,
Before the time signs off.
'नोस्टालजीया' भनीछु सायद 
मलाई, आफु छु छैन लागेर
सम्झनामै भए पनी जीवनको 
मिठो कल्पना बनेर आउँदा 
एक नजर फर्किएर चिन्नेहरु 
वचन दिए हुन्थ्यो नी लाग्छ
किनकिन त्यसै रहरहरु यसरी
खुशी हुने बहाना बनाउँदै कति
स-साना सपनाहरुको परीचयमा
नजिकिदै जान्छन्, अनी म पनी
भावनाहरु सित मनोवाद लेख्छु
चश्मा सिउ्रिएर, दृष्टी सपारेर
हेर न, कस्तो है मन पनी त
मान्छे हुँदैछु, चिने चिने जस्तो।
These cities are empty to see much 
And here's all the crowd in my head
But when noises grew larger inside 
Silence was heard to even far away
Sometimes even the accidental happiness 
Come as more prominent ,and vivid in life
Well,it's the way we should carry on together
May be ,
Because the meanings are less important 
At times, we should try to live without it
It can potentially start in any day
Unknowingly,or with full conscience 
From some place one's never been to
Or may be in a similar space we're into
The birth of rational madness? 
Something about indifference
And a part of it for a change
But most of the times you know
It's no where in between;
"irony! "
आजको आकाश हेर्छु , हिजोको हुरी सम्झन्छु 
डर त हामी सबैले पालेका थियौँ होइन र कतै 
दिन नफिर्ला जस्तो भएको,भोलि नहोला जस्तो 
तर आज फर्किएको छ उस्तै प्रक्रिति धर्तिमा 
फरक सुगन्ध बनेर वातावरण सजिएको छ 
सुन्दरताको पर्याय बनेर मानिसहरु सहरमा
मुस्कुराइरहेछन् हिजो र आजको परिधिमा
जिवन को मिठास यिनै होइनन् र भन न
न आज जस्तो सधैँ, न हिजो जस्तो पनि ।
प्रयासहरुको अनेकन् जटिल उपस्थितिमा 
एक मुस्कान बनेर हेर बाटो पर्खिरहेको छ 
अनि स-साना खुट्किला बनाएर जिन्दगि यो 
आकाश भन्दा धर्ति प्रिय मान्छ् फेरि पनि 
रहरको कुनै आकार हुदैन,
त्यसैले त सायद
मानिस सधैं चित्र बनाउँछ आफ्नो ह्रिदयको
रङिन् कलाहरुमा
आफ्नै बिम्ब खोज्छ यसरि
जस्तै म ,
अनि एउटा तस्बिर कतै मेरो मस्तिस्कमा पनि
केवल सबैको सम्झनामा
'खुशी' भएर अटाउन मन छ ।
होईन, समय त्यो होईन
जुन शरीरमा टाँसिएको छ 
घडी भएर 
न कुनै भित्तामा झुण्डिएको क्यालेन्डर 
वा दुई तिन रोलमै गोजीमा बिलाएको
'तोयानाथको' पात्रो
नत्र यो जीवनको जोड घटाउ
कुनै शोधको आधीन हुनु पर्थेन
जसको केही निश्चित आकार आउँदैन
यस्तो साध्य, जहाँ प्रश्न हुन्न
केवल उत्तर मागीन्छ
'समय'को शुरुवात र अन्त्य टेकाईन्छ
जीवन भनिन्छ
हाँसोमा उडाईन्छ
अनी, फेरी टिक् टिक्
समय सुई हो र?
It's that easy to spray gun powders here
And give wounds to so delicate humanity
"Bury a dead one",let another one die like
It never matters how other's life is - sad
In the verge of losing one's 'self' freedom.
Meanwhile,this suffering will continue long
Because,we'll never be in the front to heal
To stand for each other just when in need
But all we can do is nothing;sitting,waiting
Keep watching the chaos within religion
Fighting in the name of justice and rights
If it has any meanings , and the solution
Should come with peace and harmony
But no, we are civilized -
Welcome to the modern world!
In the distance there's a beautiful place to be 
Beyond my imagination , a space I'd ever see
The stillness it carries from a mind on the sly
Like colors of rainbow following all of the sky
More or less, just to explain
If things like so stay together
In such a time'space dilation-
I don't know what it is, but
The randomness of collision is
To become a general equation
In the end.
हेर न ,समय पातलिँदैछ 
अनि सहरका फुलहरु पनि 
बगान बाट अघाएर 
गमला तर्फ फर्किदैछन् 
मानिसहरु सडक रित्याएर 
सबै घर बसेका छन्
आकाश भन्ने त कुरै छैन रे
मुन्टो उठाएर माथि हेर्दा
सबै धुम्म देखिन्छ भन्छन्
चरा , जनावर , रुखहरु
सबै निर्जिब् भइसकेका छन् रे
खोला, तलाउ ,झरना पनि
हिमाल मैँ टाँसिएर बसेका छन्
यिनीहरु सबै हामी जस्तै हुनि भन्छन्,
सजिलो छ र यति गरेर मात्रै ?
रिसले अस्तित्व्को यथार्थ बदल्न सक्छ र कहिल्यै ??
खुसीको लोभी भनन मलाई 
म सहर्श् स्विकार्न चाहन्छु 
गूण दोश् कसको छैन र यहाँ 
यी बिम्ब त सबै जिवनसँग 
सुन्दर सहयात्रि भएर हिड्छन् 
जस्तै कि तिमी र म पनि त
एक अद्रिश्य् संसार बनेका छौँ
चाहंदा,नचाहंदै ।
केवल समयले मलाई
रङमन्च् नबनाईदिए
म निर्धक्क भन्न सक्छु सायद
मेरा भवनाहरुमा ,
कुनै अप्राक्रितिक कला छैन् हुनेछ
कुनै कथा छैन् हुनेछ
मात्र यथार्थ ।
The reference of life 
Which hardly lives contented 
But is always inside of us
And,an individual relation with life,
In true meanings if it can carry
It's always outside of us.
हजार पाईला बनेर सपना 
कता हिँड्छन् बाटो छैन
समय आफै 
शुन्य त होईन जसरी 
जीवनको भिन्न परिवेश रचेर
म, आफ्नो भित्री रहर भन्दैछु
जुन कुनै आकृतिमा आटाउन सकोस
तर यो केवल कल्पना हुन सक्छ र?
सम्भावनाको पनी त सम्भावना हुन्छ
अर्थ हुन्छ जीवन्त
सपनाहरु को,
जसले बाटो बनाईदेवोस
खुशीको ।
उतै, कुनै कुनामा छु झैँ हुन्छ जब
घरी घरी यी हावाको उपस्थितिमा 
पछ्यौदै , 
म ,मेरा प्रतिबिम्बहरु 
समुन्द्रको गहिराइ
र आकाशको उचाई सित
निहुँ खोज्दै बस्छौँ , एकान्तमा यहां
लाग्छ समय सुर्यले दिएको बुट्टे किरण
सुइ केवल नभएर
हाम्रो भावनाहरुको धर्को जस्तो
एक पछि अर्को
थोप्लाहरु जोडिदै त्यहिँ पुर्याउँछ
जहाँबाट जिवन सुरु गरेका थियौँ |
बिहान उठेर जब आकाश हेर्छु 
रित्तो झैँ देख्छु ,अनि बादल खोज्छु
देख्दिन कतै,केवल फराकिलो सन्सार
निलो प्रक्रिति , निलो आकाश
फेरी बादल माथी बस्ने हरुको 
घर कता जान्छ ,सोचमा पर्छु।
आए कुनै दिन , यी अनुहार भित्र
बादल भई उड्ने चराका सपना
पुग्दा क्षितिजमा टेक्ने ठाउँ खोज्दै
बिहानी पख धर्तिमा बस्ने ,मानिस हामी |
Humans are not of just carbon atoms 
Piled up in some patterns to make any sense 
Because life'd have already decomposed then
In countless friction of choosing and picking, 
Bonding and breaking- in many formulas, but no
It's more!Like some sort of emotional molecule
We each have in us-reserved,gathered
And may be some of them attached, implicitly
With no intention, or with dedication
With love.


There's Shiva in all of us,
who is calm yet easily impatient,
kind but furious too- in some ways.
He holds everything inside carefully.
All possible dreams this world can behold.
Greed, anxiety, love, and fear, and
in so many "meanings,"
that are profound to comprehend-
even difficult for any master to adhere.
Or to narrate in some trivial words. 
But, no bad in this.
Know who's there in you,
care it like a baby that you are, always.
Let it grow intense within you, and be him.
To respect Shiva;
Shiva in all of us.
Inside, making the insights of life 
These journeys has something cold
To offer,to sum up in meanings say
Harder than any rocks could make up
Somewhere if we can figure it out. 
Also, different sort of respect for
Calmness - gratitude in what we have
May be a self appreciation for things
Achieved,and about to be accomplished
It's a long way from here though
And there's home, always to get back
Warm and happy for you to return
If you did it successfully,or even tried
It matters, but there's home, always
For forever
Warm and happy for you to return.
सागरको गहिराईमा पनी
धर्ती लुकेको छ जसरी
जीवन यसरी नै घुमिफरी
यात्रामा रमाउन सिकाउँछ
For those familiar to climbing ladders
Often fail to make their own at times
Albeit, at some point of life we must
Early, just in time, before 
Things fall into the grave of depression
Because our understanding in weak, and
Largely with tools we move for a problem
But we should have taken the tools ,only
After getting hands upon the problems
That'd have certainly saved ourselves in life.
Cold is yet to be, and
This winter has it's own charm,like
They implanted hundreds of eyes
But can never see themselves. 
So there, perfectly 
Below the sky
Above the grounds
Countless beautiful moments
They sneak peek upon life
Because these colors of emotion
Not blended loosely to be pulled apart
Makes you a better man in every breath
And with memories this close to heart
There be no such thing as a 'sad goodbye'
समय तोकिदिएर नाडिमा
घडीको टिक टिक रफतार सँगै
जिवन एक सुर पछि लागेको छ
मानौँ बाटो अघि, पाईलाहरु पछि 
एक अनि अर्को गर्दै, लर्को बाँधि
कमिलाका ताँतीहरु जन्ती हिँडे झैँ
देख्दा कत्ती मिलीजुली, सुक्ष्म रुपमा
कोर्दै अघि बढेका रेखा पहिल्याउँदै
घर फर्केका छन् -
त्यो घर होईन।
यस्ता जिवनका बिम्बहरु
पाईला बाटो लेख्दै अघि बढ्छ
डुङ्गा सागरमा भुले सरी
आफ्नो अस्तित्व निस्फिक्री चुन्छ
तब रोमान्चले भरीपुर्ण आकाशगंगा
र धर्तीका जलबिहार एकै हुन्छन्,अनी
सारा जगत बिशाल निल ताल बन्छ।
सारथी पूर्ण जस्ता असंख्य सृजनाहरु
मानसपटलका एकाग्रता तोड्न आउँनेछन्
यी, एकोहोरो सामाजिक रट्टान भत्काउनेछन्
चेत रचनाहरु सोधका मिली
बल्ल बन्नेछ काँटा बिहिन सुन्दर घडी
भिन्न, मान्छे जस्तो
समय पनि |
In connected word's amusement,a journey 
Life be some magical illustration at times
Quite yet loud; odd but also even symphony 
Between souls we come across in companies
It shapes up things that we seldom get into
Not about where we are but what we'll do
Always, then after.
No such joy, like to be remembered
Even in the fraction of happiness
Of beautiful memories, so honest
With good hearted people around. 
One is hardly that blessed every time 
And luck may be a partial truth also
But when I think of these golden days
It's an intense emotion within me
I badly miss , 'These People I love'.
Amidst that desire to stay in a place, 'utopia' 
It's true we often keep our faith quite loose
As it's easy to dream, than to reach out for
O'sea waves never come at our doorsteps too! 
And it's beautiful to think than to act upon
Perceive,the sky might hold so much in inside
For it's not about the clouds and rains we see
But that very space for our peaceful flight.
Hold on this night for some light in you there
Will shine on so bright what it means to get
These fireflies crawl slowly catch 'em shoelaces
Imagine yourself so low'ly when dark embraces
Who is here to help you,he who can't be helped
Time looses this close too,keeping all that's said


You know this too
What else can you do? 
The apocalypse has begun
Within mankind sequentially.
The clash of motives for nothing
You can see it
Like there's a day without sun
Moon without reflection
Shallow seas,
You can feel it
Without fish and breeze,since long time now.
"Do you know where we are heading? "
In between,
Before the end of a day
And rise of a night
Tangled mental in smoke filled air
Somewhere in the civilization graph?
Blockbuster grown up cities!
"And do you even care to remember loving?"
To such sky, vividly blue and moist
Pristine hills , more green for forever
And snow capped mountains
Under clean shade
Of wind by the trees.
O' that's gone, because the clash
For what we have and what we desire.


आज यति पटक कछुवा चल्यो भन्छन्
दुर गाउँबाट आएका खबरहरु हुन् यी 
पृथ्वी हल्लीएको छ रे बेजोड 
आकाशमा आगोका लप्काहरु सल्बलाएका
कालो निलो, मुसल्धारे पानी पोखुँला झैँ
धुम्म परेको प्रकृति, अदृश्य चन्द्रको आकृति
फेरी सौर्य मण्डल उल्टियो भन्छन्
धर्तीमा बडे चिरा परेका छन् जथाभाबी
चरा'चुरुङ्गी छट्पटाई,छाती पिटिपिटि मरे अरे
अनी फेरी पहाड खसेर दैलो माथी
घर बारी सोत्तर भए भन्छन्
बिलखाबन्धन्मा जोग्गीएका जहान परिवार जो
रुँदै, भगवान पुकार्दै,जसले यो श्रृष्टि गरे
दुनियाँ सम्झदै शोक पोखी हृदयभित्रको
डर अनी त्रासदीमा चिच्याउन थाले
"फेरी कसलाई लिन आयो "
उनीहरु हरीया बाँसका मुठ्ठा जुटाउँदै
शहर पसेको देख्छु।

Hello Office

These days when I think about time
My strange two years of entropy 
Few good people,beautiful places
And this space around
Mostly obtuse, and partly parallel
I gather very odd feeling to share.
May it be with my inert conscience
Accompanied with firm prejudices in here
When human take human for granted
A person is enslaved, and tamed
And forced to be a puppet,unknowingly
'See, that's hard work!'
'Ya, late night professional connections.'
'I know you only like to take credits'
Heard them close to my ears yesterday.
People, how naive we grow with age
What's the point in all that, seriously
The plight in being near top of the world
Worldly philosophies about attitude, and
Failing to understand our own roots.
The only truth,with evolution we overlook
This life which is so uncertain
With unlimited possibilities
And death,
That's too certain we can't deny of.
Be happy, you deserve that
Keep greed in doing good.

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