01 August, 2017

When I get away from this normal time
I could see the little things smiling back 
In a subtly crafted fair, natural memories 
And, probably the only that really matters 
When you whisper so close that tingles me 
I breeze along as a dandelion into pieces
And be a joyous memory to be remembered
For we are all keeping memories , somehow. 
Then I occupy a lonesome bench 
And listen to the sounds of rain
O' Thunder of immense pleasure, 
My nostalgia - is there anything
So uplifting than this? 
When you are sad. 
When I behaved like the laughter'
And chose to be sound and safe, 
Everybody noticed. 
So now I make up smiles
More than often, yes - true
To be forgotten. 
तिमीले सम्झाउन खोजेका धेरै जसो कुराहरु 
बिर्सिएँ झैँ गर्छु ,अनी र पो फेरी बाँच्छु त्यो
समयको पात्र भएर म , आज, उही मानिस 
जुन तिमीले सम्झिएकी छौ,मलाई सम्झाउन । 
आकाश को गहिराई भित्र कतै
जो खोजिरहेछु मन चित्र आफ्नो
शायद , बुझेको भए यथार्थ मैले
अस्तित्व होईन जिवन समाउँथेँ। 
Then I could feel the light breeze 
And such subtle calmness within
These pale yellow tinted spaces 
Be like a sly conscious 'concept' 
Where I can't even hear myself 
But then 'll be talking about 'self'! 
कोठा भित्र , झ्यालबाट मलाई छोइ जाने ए चिसो बतास
तिमीलाई छुन मेरा पाईलाहरु चलेको धेरै भ'को छ नि !
Whenever I see a full- fledged life
In humans ,it strikes me profoundly 
About how one could be that- easily
And how many of us escape from that 
Unknowingly , in ignorance and
Far apart from living !
बाटो बिराएर' म आफ्नो घर पुग्दा
फर्किएर भुमि चुम्न मन लाग्छ ति
अनि पुकार्न हृदयले,"हे अन्तरआत्मा!
कुनै यात्रा फेरी गर्न सकौँ उस्तै प्रेमले "

17 May, 2017


"Isn't it a beautiful day outside?
Oh what have you been today
You are- a chair that spins
Just where it stands
For days, weeks,months
Like this."
A chapter of stagnation.
Last year on my way to the hills
I met an old man, wise and bright
He commanded,"I follow the streams,
You journey to mountains!"
"I settle , you carry on!!"
Age and youth??
A shallow contemplation.
Then,I asked,
"Why you follow streams,but?"
Loosening the thin line in between
Stupidity and curiosity. 
He laughed,paused - then smiled.
"Because eventually everything settles.Be there,
In the mountains, and come to follow the streams.
Never settle in a place for forever!"
Oh what have you been today
You are - not a chair anymore
Are you?
A chapter of happiness.
Not all anxiety scales the mountain high
There are some that drowns us beneath 
So I reconsider my madness about life
But, what about the realms of happiness? 
Near the doorsteps of fragility then
I couldn't know who I was looking for
A stranger or a friend.
But if justice be in finding self,in you
I'd slip myself, as the sand in your hands
With the round of seasonal symphony.
आकाश, भरिएको छ उज्यालो तिम्रो 
मुस्कान ले रमाईदिन्छ यो वातावरण
जसरी चिर्बिर् बगैंचाका पंङ्छि हरु 
अनि तिम्रो मन को एक 'फुच्चे' कुना। 
 खोइ कस्तो खुशी खोज्छ मानिस है 
जब जिवन नै छ सिमित केहि क्षण
मलाई त झुल्को ज्योति टांसिए पुग्छ 
रमाउन खुला आकाश र् एक जोर 
हँसिला आँखाहरु।
ति आँखाहरु तिम्रा होउ्न । 
In such silence you sketched melodies of life
But then people, so observant about happiness
And, me know too, 
At times. 
के खोज्दैछन् जिवनका सुस्केरा'हरु 
के देख्दैछन् यीनले सपना चुपचाप
लोभी भएछन् कि अचेल् , यिनलाई 
बिहानीको किरण समाएका ओठले 
मुसुक्क् शुभ दिन भनिदेओस् हुन्छ । 
कुनै एक रङ्ग मात्र भई बाँचेको भए सायद
जीव हरु निर्जीव समान आफु भित्रै हराउँथे 
तर जसरी अनेक रङ्गहरुले सजिएको यो छ 
जीवन ईन्द्रधनु भई यसरी मुस्कुराएको छ। 

07 March, 2017


Little birds nested around the branches
Of an old dry cherry tree in this morning
Choirs for spring, along with the sheltered;
Tiny creatures roaming over motherly earth.
Before wishes ferry as a soft melody in
The warmly glow of lucent ray:cold wind
Partly reveals my living' within a concept
And I start wondering about colors,seen.
Just then,at the start of another disruptions
I narrate myself inside the room, and leave
These little birds making their way slowly
For the spring- As I should wait for that too!
Your shadow becomes a self-reflection
To my life. When this earth goes dark,
A faint ray of hope sprinkles behind the
Thoughts of my untold melancholy.Grace!

16 February, 2017

उसै त यात्रा बन्दैन नचलाई पाऊ अडिग बसेपछि 
नघिस्रिए चट्टान् कठोर टाकुरा खोइ कता छ त्यो ?
आँखै सामु बादल-झरि-बादल भैसक्छन् फेरि,तर 
 सोचै-सोचमा रहर केवल बाफिएर छुट्छन् मात्रै 
A full moon night around
So lightly scattered clouds
Millions of glittering stars
Closer, together
They be a magical one. 
As I wander, I wonder more
In silhouettes, by tungsten
Street lamps planted all over
Of trees, sleeping birds
And such mystical enchantments
Of the autumn breeze itself
Smooth, calm
You'd laugh like a baby
May be,
In these sparkling notions
While I'd smile you back again
Looking to the sky
I'd whisper my stories,
'I 'd make you in a song'
'I'd sing you with my melodies'
Or, by now,
I'd just close my eyes
And sail with the wind.
Sometimes I think about life 
And this sky that's all above
It's the same sun to soak
Wherever we are, no matter 
If we could see each other
The same moon that lights
Upon our faces while we
Wonder about such distances
Everything is connected well
In you and me - all species
All the same ; hair tip to toe.
मन खुशी हुँदा जसै
चल्छ समय कती छिटो
अप्ठ्यारो का दिन तिमी 
दुखी भई नलम्बाउनु 
Perspectives,the beauty groomed by 
Infinite possibilities of an existence 
In forms - subtle , profound or open
And firmly adhered to an individual.
Such wonderful understanding it is 
You'd love the way things are
While you were away ,

Thinking About Home

I then lie down, and
Feel the clouds around 
Sailing swiftly as the wind. 
With strange figures
Faces - odd shapes they carry
From my memory epitomes.
I smile thinking about time
Home, people ; you in those
Beautiful moments I've had, and then
Immensely submerged in nostalgia;
An anecdote of happiness
I travel back in time,
With these clouds of thoughts.
The horizon squeeze out our living
Up to a minute frame to be considered. 
With no room to behold, all the celestial matter 
Then departs silently along with it. But, 
A big bang happens inside of you
And you don't need spaces anymore!
While in the darkest hour of the night 
I wish I could be one of those fireflies
And roam around the bohemian life
I've turned into with lights, mockingly. 
आकाशको झिलिमिली जसरी त्यो जिवनमा
रहिरहोस् ज्योति बनेर सुन्दर मुस्कानहरु
मेरा प्रियहरुको मुहारमा ,
यो तिहारमा
स-साथै म पनि बाँचेको छु खुशिहरु ।
Possibly the last day of autumn
I can hear the swan song already
From these beautifully colored leaves
Fragile,they keep falling everyday 
Even by a slight breeze of the season
All over the grounds - so dry.
But for few more days , I know
They'll still have life inside
And with the wind ,
They shall play with each other
Making melodies , sounds
Harmonies.And may be
During these moments
They will be living the best days,
Best days of their lives
Before the fall.
There exists nothing beforehand
You build a wall of imagination
Flakes of snow under your feet
Occasional clouds of anxiety
A narrow abyss to live in ,sad.
What are you made out of
What's inside your heart
Who you are living around
What's behind the mask you carry?
The one who cries when you smile
The one who smiles when you cry
You are an imagination
Of yourself.
I gaze upon the leftovers in the sky
After a beautiful sunny day we had
And contemplate about my expense
For not being under it, all time before 
Years, such journeys I'd lived towards the north
Along the river, across the mountains, in winter
I still feel the warmth from those burning woods
And the silhouettes; vivid reflections in the dark!
And gather those birds near the window frame
They will be singing aloud for the frozen lakes
All the songs of glory before the seasonal end 
The burns we carry along, to the winter flakes
When you say it, "a long way to go" 
But, where to?, and you don't know
There'd be the end just a mile away;
That could be a start for a better day
Why don't you carry on?
Why don't you try once?
Make a journey and
Follow your paths.
Few things are irreplaceable in life, 
And unforgettable
The good moments - loved and cared, and 
Even the oblivious emotions 
Shared while passing by. 
While it seems in a similar narratives,
The falling star goes unnoticed
In the brightest night of a full moon sky,
But it carries a dark shadow of grief along
As the one who leaves everything,
He has an abundant melancholy.

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